【問題】黎 M pat pat 痛?推薦回答

作者:Ray, Patricia M.,Ray, Patricia Mays

作者:Miller, Pat Zietlow

Pat Zietlow Miller is the bestselling and award-winning author of Be Kind, Sophie’s Squash, The Quickest Kid in Clarksville, Wherever You Go, and When You Are Brave, among others. She lives in Wis...

作者:陳怡倩王麗雁Vanessa-Isabelle Reinwand-Weissjan jagodzinskiPaul Duncum彭佳John Byoungjik KangEnid ZimmermanAaron D. KnochelRyan M. Patton曹筱玥張幼云Pat VilleneuveDana Carlisle KletchkaB. Stephen Carpenter II吳岱融趙欣怡Bernard Darras

  綜觀全書,總共十八位來自世界各地的學者,在怡倩博士專程的邀集與嚴謹的規劃下,從三大部分(「創意識別」、「科藝融合」、「社會實踐」)暨結論,貢獻其在領域上長年耕耘的智慧與經驗,就各自專業的主題,針對21 世紀數位化的時代,暢談各式議題的因應及藝術教育的未來發展。第一部分,「創意識別」是聚焦在國家課綱、視覺文化、美學識讀、宗教與藝術,以及藝術教育未來發展的國際視野等的主題討論。第二部分,「科...

作者:Cashman, Pat M.,Preene, Martin

The late Pat Cashman was the leading British exponent of groundwater control for his generation, championing a practical and straightforward approach for more than forty years.Dr. Martin Preene dra...

作者:Gromko, Linda, M.d./ Fleet, Pat, M.D. (FRW)

Let Me Go When the Banter Stops tells the true love story of Seattle physician, Dr. Linda Gromko, who finds herself in a midlife romance, only to discover that her future holds joyful new beginning...

作者:Groom, S. Alyssa (EDT)/ Fritz, J. M. H. (EDT)/ Arnett, Ronald C., Ph.D. (CON)/ Gehrke, Pat J., Ph.D. (CON)

This collection of essays extends the conversation on communication ethics and crisis communication to offer practical wisdom for meeting the challenges of a complex and ever-changing world. In mul...

作者:Montgomery, Lucy Maud,Montgomery, L. M.

作者:Montgomery, L. M.

There's no place like homeDo fairies really come for the dish of milk we leave them? Is Mrs. McClenahan really a witch? How is it possible to find a new baby in a bed of parsley? These are all ques...

作者:Shaw, Alice M.

作者:Pat-horenczyk, Ruth (EDT)/ Brom, Danny (EDT)/ Vogel, Juliet M. (EDT)

Helping Children Cope with Trauma bridges theory and practice in examining emerging approaches to enhancing resilience and treating traumatised children. Adopting a child-centred perspective, it hi...

